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NEU Cymru manifesto

NEU Cymru's priorities and key asks of the Welsh government (in English and Welsh). 

Manifesto (English)
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NEU Cymru

Information, advice and resources for NEU Cymru members.

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In light of the global pandemic it is hard to talk about the future. But if Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is the importance of education in supporting our children, young people and their families and communities here in Wales.

We believe that a #FairEducationForAll must be the corner stone of the next Welsh Government – ensuring all children and young people have access to an education which will support their wellbeing and help them flourish as Wales’ citizens of the future.

Set out here are our key asks, which we believe are necessary to help ensure that education can support Wales and its people to thrive:

Ask: Make learning fair and equitable

  • Fully fund our education system. 
  • Fully fund the new Curriculum and Additional Learning Needs Reform, including training for the profession.
  • End National testing/assessments and have a “National Conversation” about a fair exam system.
  • Support mental wellbeing for all children and young people.
  • Ensure a coherent vision for everyone in post-16.

Ask: Reduce the cost of going to school and college

  • Make sure everyone in school and college has access to the IT equipment and wi-fi they need to learn at home.
  • Make sure free school meals are available through the holidays.
  • Ensure everyone on Universal Credit has access to Free School Meals.
  • Make school uniform affordable.
  • Provide support for the extra costs of courses and training.
  • Increase the Education Maintenance Allowance to £45 a week.

Ask: Support the education workforce

  • Provide mental health support for the whole workforce, alongside a reduction in workload and pressure on the system
  • Introduce collective bargaining to decide changes to School Teachers Pay and Conditions
  • Include supply teachers within School Teachers Pay and Conditions, and end the private agency lottery
  • Ensure fair pay across the education workforce, including pay parity for the PCET sector
  • Protect the Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF)

Briefing documents

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