Sex and gender equality
Gender equality is not only a human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable workplace.
A key priority of the union is to make sure there is equal opportunity for all members, prevent unlawful discrimination in employment, and ensure our members do not face barriers to promotion, representation or participation.
NEU members work hard to make education workplaces accessible and inclusive and for a vision of education for the UK with equity and social justice at its heart. The NEU campaigns against inequality and prejudice through resources on all aspects of inequality; through research; and through practical guidance to challenge the assumptions, ideas and stereotypes that lead to patterns of discrimination.
Gender equality is not only a human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable workplace.
Racism is a structural barrier perpetuated by individuals that lead to discrimination against a person because of their race.
LGBT+ education professionals, pupils and families are vital members of all nursery, school and college communities and of our union.
The NEU works with disabled education professionals and pupils to abolish ablism, disablism and discrimination.
Tackling inequalities in school requires a holistic and systemic approach across the whole school.
This toolkit aims to help NEU members take the steps needed to prevent sexism and sexual harassment.
The tools will upskill and educate members, leaders and work colleagues on disability equality and building more inclusive schools and colleges.
There are many areas of teaching and activities in your school which can counter racist narratives, prejudice against refugees and intolerance.
A framework for developing an anti-racist approach in schools and colleges. It will support schools/colleges, teachers children and young people to address racism.
Guidance on LGBT+ inclusion for schools and colleges, for members, leaders, governors, councillors and community leaders.
Guidance about dealing with discrimination and harassment in the workplace, including detailed information about the protected characteristics in England and Wales under the Equality Act 2010.
The aim of this model statement on equality is to provide a framework that schools can adopt in promoting equality of opportunity for all staff and job applicants, and to avoiding unlawful discrimination in employment.
A framework for anti-racism was developed for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) through research commissioned by the NEU and supported by funding from Newcastle University. This is the only accessible and research-informed anti-racism framework for Initial…
The NEU worked with five primary schools over two years to consider how ‘traditional’ gender stereotypes could be challenged in nursery and primary classrooms.
How books for early years and primary age children can be used to promote disability inclusion.
A comprehensive set of teaching resources on the Holocaust and Nazi persecution, produced by the NEU and the Holocaust Educational Trust.
Menopause support - workplace guidance, adjustments, and resources for educators.
This NEU toolkit is designed to support members affected at work by domestic abuse and to help other members, reps and leaders support them.
Toolkit with advice and guidance on transitioning for trans educators and employers.
Comparing the equality legislation between Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI).