Why recruitment matters
Did you know that the most common reason people give for not having joined a union is that they’ve never been asked?
They may not even really know what a union is. That’s why we need you to tell new colleagues what the NEU is and to ask them to join.
The NEU is not the only union available to education professionals so we cannot afford to assume that people will simply join us when they enter the profession. If you don’t ask new starters in your workplace to join at the earliest opportunity, another union might get there first.
While many trainee teachers will join the NEU at university at recruitment events, many will go straight into the workplace through schemes like School Direct, having never been to a recruitment event at a university. The only way those new entrants to the profession will find out about the union is if you introduce yourself and invite them to join.
This toolkit covers everything you need to know to recruit new members from how to have recruitment conversations, to ordering recruitment materials for your noticeboard.