Children with disability


Building inclusion in schools and colleges. 

Inclusion challenges

The NEU wants the Government to address these 5 immediate challenges on inclusion:

  • Needs led funding – for SEND support, Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans and local SEND and mental health services. 
  • A strategy to reduce Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) workload. 
  • Support staff numbers must be maintained and increased. 
  • Time for staff planning, family liaison and CPD. 
  • DFE must support knowledge exchange and professional skills around inclusion across all curriculum subjects. 

The following goals can build positive experiences for learners with SEND:

  • Every child/young person attends a school/college with an inclusive ethos. 
  • Every student is assessed early and regularly for learning and social and emotional needs and appropriate support can be provided. 
  • Every child/young person has a strong relationship with a trusted adult in school/college. 
  • Parents/carers are engaged partners. 

Safety Valve and Delivering Better Value

The Plan produced by the government seeks to work with local authorities and schools on money-saving projects designed to ensure more SEND students are educated in mainstream without first putting the support mechanisms in place for this to work.  Elements of the Improvement Plan, including a National Standard and an electronic EHCP template are being piloted but little information about their impact has been shared by the DfE.

If you are in a school or LA piloting any of the Improvement Plan proposals, please let us know how they are affecting your workload and impacting support for SEND students.

Have your say on SEND

The Education Select Committee are calling for evidence on 'Solving the SEND Crisis' and want to hear about what works well in your workplaces.

Have your say

The Call for Evidence lists a range of questions on:

  • Support for children and young people with SEND.
  • Current and Future model of SEND provision.
  • Finance, funding and capacity of SEND provision.
  • Accountability and inspection of SEND provision.

To respond you don't have to answer all of the questions, but your points should relate to the terms of reference listed.  Please consider submitting your views and evidence of your experience around what would make things better for staff and the SEND students you work with everyday.  You could do it as a workplace union group or as an individual.

The Union will be sending in a response addressing all of the questions with our evidence but MPs on the committee also need to hear about the everyday practice in your school or college.

Add your evidence

Classroom resources

Child's drawing

The Full Story

How books for early years and primary age children can be used to promote disability inclusion.

News about SEND


Advice and guidance

SEND children and exclusion

Autistic students are the largest SEND group to be excluded. We need a more inclusive system which takes a more holistic, whole child approach towards behaviour support.

Dress code

What schools should consider if they decide to develop a school uniform/dress code.

Personal care of pupils

This advice aims to clarify your rights and responsibilities related to toilet-related care of pupils.

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