Teachers' pay and working conditions in sixth form colleges are decided in negotiations with the Sixth Form Colleges’ Association.
Sixth form colleges
In sixth form colleges, the NEU leads the teachers’ side in negotiations and campaigns for fair pay and working conditions, with members in more than 70 workplaces in England.
Pay Dispute
The Secretary of State has provided funding to match the 5.5% pay offer made to school teachers in the maintained sector, only to academized sixth form colleges. This is not just grossly unfair, but undermines the long-established collective bargaining arrangements in the sector.
There has not been any explanation for this difference in funding. Therefore NEU teachers in non-academised sixth form colleges will open a formal ballot calling on the Secretary of State to provide equivalent funding to their colleges.
The ballot closes on November 7.
Look out for your special envelope with your ballot paper inside, fill it in and get it posted back in the pre-paid envelope as soon as you receive it. Every vote will show our strength of feeling at the unjust treatment of our sector and our rejection of a two-tier workforce.
Sixth form pay ballot
NEU to launch sixth form pay ballot on 14 September
The staff side teachers’ pay claim for 2024/25 is :
- A minimum that is above the RPI rate of inflation from 1 September 2024 on all pay points and allowances, and that constitutes a meaningful step towards real terms pay restoration.
- An additional increase from 1 September 2024 on the London allowances;
- Continuing joint discussions on workload and working time.
This has been submitted to the employers’ organisation, the Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA) for a formal response. NEU members voted overwhelmingly in an indicative ballot that they are prepared to take industrial action in pursuit of this claim (see below). If we have not received a satisfactory offer from the employers by the start of next term, then a formal ballot will be conducted. Read the NJC letter on pay claim.
Revised sixth form college teachers’ pay rates.
Rights and conditions
Details about employment rights of teachers in the Red Book and support staff in the Lilac Book.
Reducing accountability workload
Your guide to reducing workload in post-16 colleges.
Important publications
The Red Book
Teaching staff in sixth form colleges conditions of service handbook.
The Lilac Book
Sixth form colleges support staff conditions of service handbook.
Trade union recognition model agreement
The aim of this model recognition agreement is to provide a framework that schools can adopt to recognise the NEU in sixth form colleges.
Grievance procedure model policy
The aim of this model policy on grievance procedures is to provide a framework that sixth form colleges can adopt to dealing with staff grievances.
Disciplinary procedure model policy
The aim of this model policy on disciplinary procedure is to provide a framework that sixth form colleges can adopt to help and encourage all employees to achieve and maintain appropriate standards of behaviour and conduct.
Capability procedure model policy
The aim of this model policy on capability is to provide a framework that sixth form colleges can adopt to seek to ensure that employees are assisted to achieve standards of performance.
Facilities model agreement
The aim of this model policy on facility time is to provide a framework that sixth form colleges can adopt to give trade union representatives time off to undertake union duties.