The union is nothing without the efforts of all its activists, whether officers at local level, reps in workplaces and other roles, or members organising themselves.

Getting involved
Watch other reps and activists talk about their roles and what they have done in the union.

Information and resources for NEU local officers who run districts and branches across the country.

Our reps are the heart of the NEU – the largest education union in Europe. The role of a workplace rep is really rewarding and many of the skills you will develop are transferable to your professional life.

Winning in the workplace
Local campaigns and success stories of reps and activists across the country.

NEU members are eligible to stand for election as officers of the Union, members of the executive or members of the annual and special conferences of the Union.

NEU awards
NEU present recognition awards to members, officers or individuals who are committed to education and have made exemplary contributions in their workplace or district or branch.