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Training for reps and officers

The NEU has a comprehensive support and development programme to build your skills and confidence in Union work.

National training programme

All our courses are free, travel and other expenses are paid, and (if needed) accommodation is provided. Courses are tutored by experienced union officials. We are committed to ensuring all training is as inclusive as possible. If you have any accessibility needs, please contact us on [email protected] and we will work together with you to accommodate them. 

We have divided the programme into sections for you to find the right course easily. To find out more, choose the course type you are interested in from the list below. To book you will need your Membership Number and password. If you do not know these please email [email protected].

For most of our courses, reps and officers have the legal right to time off from work with full pay to attend. We can support you if you face any difficulties in getting time off.

Our workplace reps programme is delivered in our regions and Wales so will be close to where you live or work.  Reps have a legal entitlement to attend training on full pay and we will support you if you encounter any difficulties in getting time off. 

All reps begin with the three-day Reps Foundation course, which will give you the skills and knowledge to be immediately effective in your workplace. 

After you have completed your Reps Foundation, you can then access the Reps Advanced course as well as a range of one-day courses. 

Foundation  Advanced One-day

Our workplace health & safety reps play a vital role in defending our members rights to work in safe and healthy workplaces. Our Health & Safety Reps programme is delivered over four days (either in two two-day blocks or 4 separate days) and will give you the skills and knowledge to make a real difference for our members in the workplace. 

Health and safety reps have a legal entitlement to attend training on full pay and we will support you if you encounter any difficulties in getting time off. 

Health & safety reps training

Representing our members in the workplace is a core function of workplace reps and officers.  

Our programme includes a two-day introductory course – Representing Members in the Workplace – and three one-day courses covering capability, redundancy, and equality issues. 

In addition, as part of the Workplace Reps programme, we offer courses in Employment Law and Negotiation so don’t forget to look at these courses under the Workplace Reps tab. 

Reps and officers have a legal entitlement to attend these courses on full pay and we will support you if you encounter any difficulties in getting time off. 

Representing members training

NEU local officers (lay members elected to roles by their district or branch) are the backbone of the Union – recruiting, organising and representing members. 

We provide a comprehensive programme of training to equip you with the skills, confidence, and expertise to carry out your role effectively. 

For some of our courses, you have a legal right to paid time off to attend.  Other courses are generally delivered at the weekend. 

Treasurers’ training is managed by the union’s conferences and events team. For all queries, and to book a training slot, please email them at [email protected]

District and Branch officers' training

The NEU champions equality and diversity. We work to build workplaces where all members feel safe, welcome and their differences are celebrated whether they are women, disabled, Black or LGBT+. 

Equalities training is offered to equip officers, reps and other activists with the knowledge and organising skills and to help lead members in building more inclusive workplaces. 

Equalities training

We provide a range of courses for existing and aspiring local activists, to support you to get more involved in their Union locally and nationally. Some of these courses are available to members who have not yet become reps or officers.

Activist training


Our regional and Wales offices deliver a comprehensive range of training courses for local members, reps, and officers.  Find out what courses are on offer below. 

East Midlands 



North West 

Northern Ireland


South East 

South West 

West Midlands 


Yorkshire and the Humber 


NEU learning reps are instrumental in championing the importance of training and development for their members in the workplace and beyond. They play a key role in promoting the presence of the union, strengthening  its organisation and widening union membership across the board. They also have legal rights to paid time off for training and to carry out their duties.  

Learning reps courses 

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