NEU National CPD

National CPD

Information on the NEU national professional development programme and how to book a place. 

All webinars are recorded. All registrations receive access.

Find your course

Our programme offers a wide range of CPD for you, including:

  • Behaviour management
  • SEND
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Teaching and learning
  • Cultivating creativity in your classroom. 

We offer specific CPD to support you at every stage of your teaching journey. The CPD provided is continually adapted and reviewed to meet your learning needs and the needs of your students.  Most of it is fully-funded so you pay nothing, or a heavily discounted price. 

To take advantage of this and many other benefits, join the NEU.

Self paced online learning

Support Staff - TES Develop by Educare, course bundle

Specifically for support staff members we are offering access to eight, free, self paced, accredited and certificated online courses. Content written and endorsed by experts and is delivered via the award-winning learning platform - TES Develop.

CPD for Leaders



Understanding ADHD

26/02/25 - A comprehensive overview of current research and understanding around ADHD that will provide you with ideas for adjustments and support for students.


Behaviour: Routines for learning

06/03/25 - Explore what effective behaviour management looks like in any classroom setting. You will be guided through productive routines for learning and given opportunities to reflect on your practice.


Universal Support: Strategies for all

02/04/25 - This webinar will examine universal strategies which benefit all learners, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).



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