The National Education Union is the largest education union in Europe. School leaders and college managers are vital to the NEU as they are in a strong position to influence and implement policy. The union sees the great value of supporting and helping to develop ethical leaders who lead and shape the future of education.
The NEU understands the complex and professionally demanding work done by school leaders and college managers. We offer advice that will assist leaders in finding their way through these challenges.
We support leaders to stand together with other educational professionals to inform NEU policy that benefits teaching and learning and the education system.
Pay and recruitment
Our priority this term, is to ensure that the national pay award is implemented in full at every school, so that every teacher receives their cost-of-living rise and all eligible teachers receive pay progression.
In your leadership role, you will know that there is a workforce crisis as the Government abjectly fails to meet its teacher training recruitment targets and fails to stem the tide of teachers leaving the profession within five years. You will know of the difficulties in recruiting support staff because their pay levels are uncompetitive with private sector jobs which require far less skill and dedication.