

Equality model statement

The aim of this model statement on equality is to provide a framework that schools can adopt in promoting equality of opportunity for all staff and job applicants, and to avoiding unlawful discrimination in employment.


Harassment and bullying model policy

The aim of this model policy on harassment and bullying is to provide a framework that schools can adopt to prevent and tackle harassment and bullying and covers key definitions and the legal framework.


Disciplinary procedures model policy

The aim of this model policy on disciplinary procedures is to provide a framework that schools can adopt to help and encourage all employees to achieve and maintain appropriate standards of behaviour and conduct.


Mental Health Charter

This charter, including a model policy, is intended as a focal point around which staff and school/college leaders may collectively develop tools and strategies specific to their needs and aimed at reducing stress.


LGPS 2014 – Retirement

Normal retirement occurs at the age the scheme will pay your benefits without actuarial reduction or enhancement as of right – your Normal Pension Age (NPA).

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