How to: Declare a climate emergency at your school or college

General guide, with tips and resources, to declaring a meaningful climate emergency at a school or college. 

Author/s: Edmund Stubbs, Science Teacher, Morpeth School, London

This guide is based on mine and my colleagues’ experiences of declaring a meaningful climate emergency at our school – Morpeth School in London. We have found the whole process extremely rewarding and immensely fun and firmly believe that if schools around the UK (and the world) rollout climate emergencies, future generations will leave school hyper-aware of our climate/ecological crisis. This will empower young people to put up pressure governments and businesses to act and we hope many young people might be inspired to enter careers combating ecological degradation and global warming. I also believe much of this guide is directly translatable to other organisations/businesses wishing to declare climate emergencies.

This publication contains a general guide with tips from our own experience. It then finishes with a large resources section containing useful lists, templates and timetables designed to save you time at each stage of the process.

Melting ice caps

Climate change

Climate change is real and is threatening our future. It is our young generations that will lose the most if it is not addressed now. We all have a role to play and a contribution to make to bring about the necessary changes.

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