NEU members win improved pay offer

Jersey pay success

NEU secures improved pay offer for Jersey State’s members

NEU has negotiated an improved pay offer with the States Education Board, compared to the previous offer, which was accepted by NASUWT.  

A key win in the negotiations by NEU was not only an improvement to the non-consolidated award, but no change to the current requirement of 7 days to give notice of strike action.

NEU improved offer as at 6 Feb 2024NASUWT offer accepted on 19 Dec 2023
2023£1500 non-consolidated for all staff employed on 31 December 20232023£1000 non-consolidated for all staff employed on 31 December 2023
2025*RPI +1% (or 2% whichever is greater)2025*RPI (or 2% whichever is greater)
2026*RPI +1% (or 2% whichever is greater)2026*RPI (or 2% whichever is greater
NO Requirement to give 14 day’s notice of possible strike action and the agreed 7 days which is in the current agreement will remain

Requirement to give 14 day’s notice of possible strike action – which is a change to the agreed 7 seven days.


*Jersey RPI and not UK RPI*Jersey RPI and not UK RPI

NEU remained committed to an improvement in the offer that was presented, and we have been clear that teachers in Jersey deserved better for the hard work they do. We have also achieved the withdrawal of the letter sent to all teachers on 11th January from Elaine Miller (Vice-Chair of the States Education Board (SEB)) which represented a direct attack on members’ rights to belong to a trade union, removed the right for individuals to take strike action over pay for the next 3 years, enforced a 2-tier pay system with different pay depending on the individual’s response and the threat of the £1000 being reclaimed.   

NEU and NAHT wrote to the Vice-Chair of the SEB asking her to withdraw the letter sent to all teachers on the 11th January, which was sent without any consultation with the recognised trade unions and does not show any respect for their right to be represented by their Union through collective bargaining and their right to anonymity as a member of a Trade Union. 

Throughout this time NEU members continued to put pressure on the Government through their Assembly members, which resulted in a vote of no confidence in the Chief Minister, Kristina Moore, which then led to her being removed from her position and a collapse of her government. The letter to teachers and the continued NEU dispute featured highly in some of the debate and it was a key focus for the new Chief Minister and his Government to bring to a resolution.

NEU is now working with a new Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham and the newly elected Minister for Education & Lifelong Learning (Rob Ward ex NUT President) to improve the education system for our members, which has resulted in an improved offer to members. 

NEU members and Officers should be congratulated for their hard work and solidarity during seven days of strike action across the island which led to a majority of schools being closed.

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