Pay awards

The latest teachers' pay awards and the School Teachers Review Body

Teachers’ pay 2025 – England

NEU and separate joint union written evidence on the 2025 teacher pay increase has been sent to the School Teachers’ Review Body.

The NEU evidence uses NEU member voice to show the STRB the reality in schools – the pay cuts, unfair pay outcomes, funding shortages and sky-high workload faced by teachers and school leaders every day.  It sets out the detailed evidence in support of the NEU’s call for a major, fully funded, and above-inflation pay correction and effective action to cut sky-high workload.  These actions are essential to repair the damage caused by pay cuts and excessive workload, and to tackle the recruitment and retention crisis.  The NEU evidence also highlights the major concerns about the unfairness of the current pay structure. 

The joint union evidence to the STRB underlines the consensus in the profession on the action needed including key objectives such as the pay correction, workload improvements and the mandatory removal of performance-related pay.

The NEU’s supplementary evidence to the STRB responds to the Government’s inadequate and unfunded proposed 2.8% pay increase for teachers.  We also set out the workload problems and the urgent need for an increase in flexible working.  We call for the Government to get serious on pay, repair the damage done by years of pay cuts and provide the additional investment needed to recruit, retain and properly value teachers.  We have also sent the full report of the latest NEU Teachers’ Pay and Progression Survey to the STRB.  With responses from some 24,000 members, the NEU survey highlights the huge problems members face on issues like pay progression, TLRs and access to flexible working – as well as the major pay equality issues and the impact of pay cuts and PRP.

See details on the NEU’s Fund Fair Pay campaign for a fully funded, above-inflation pay rise for all educators, and pay restoration to compensate for years of below-inflation increases.

Let the STRB know

We need your help to make the case for fair pay for teachers.

We're looking for educators who are willing to tell us how pay cuts and sky-high workload affect you and your colleagues.

Submit evidence

Teachers' pay award 2024 - England

The Government will honour the STRB’s recommendation of a 5.5 per cent pay rise for all teachers and leaders in England.  Most members will receive the 5.5% increase, backdated to 1 September 2024, in their November pay. 

The 5.5% increase is significantly above inflation so is a significant first – but not last – step towards the long-term correction in teacher pay we need.  The increase was secured as a direct consequence of NEU members’ strike action in 2023 and their positive indicative ballot in March 2024.  NEU members accepted the offer in the snap poll conducted between 21-30 September.  Read more information on the snap poll result. 

It remains the case that more needs to be done to remedy teacher pay, workload and the recruitment and retention crisis.  The Government should be under no illusion on the need to provide the additional investment essential for the major correction in pay and significant improvements in workload we need to repair the damage done to pay and conditions under previous Governments.  The joint union response to the annual statutory consultation on the STRB report and the new School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) made this key point and emphasised the united position of the unions.  

Read the NEU response to the consultation on the 34th STRB Report and Draft STPCD, covering detailed pay issues.

The STRB’s 2024 report and the Secretary of State’s written ministerial response can be found at School Teachers’ Review Body 34th Report: 2024  

The NEU, ASCL, NAHT and Community have agreed joint union pay advice for England.

The Government’s consultation on the new STPCD ended on 7 October and the new STPCD is now available to read. 

Teachers' pay award  2024-  Wales

The Welsh Government has awarded a 5.5 per cent pay rise for all teachers and leaders in Wales. They have chosen to offer in line with the STRB in England and higher than the IWPRB recommendation of 4.3%.  Most members will receive the 5.5% increase, backdated to 1 September 2024, in their November or December pay. 

The 5.5% increase is significantly above inflation so is a significant first – but not last – step towards the long-term correction in teacher pay we need.  The increase was secured as a direct consequence of NEU members’ strike action in 2023 and their positive indicative ballot in March 2024.  NEU Cymru members accepted the offer in the snap poll conducted between 1st and 7th of October.  Read more information on the snap poll result

It remains the case that more needs to be done to remedy teacher pay, workload and the recruitment and retention crisis.  The Welsh Government should be under no illusion about the need to provide the additional investment essential for the major corrections in pay and significant improvements to reduce workload. 

The work of the strategic workload groups needs urgent review so that teachers and leaders start to see a concrete reduction on the ground. 

Read NEU Cymru response to IWPRB 5th Report.

The IWPRB’s 2024  fifth report can be found at Independent Welsh Pay Review Body: fifth report - 2024 (

The Cabinet Secretary for Education’s written response can be found at Written Statement: Report and recommendations from the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB) (10 September 2024) | GOV.WALES 

The Welsh Government’s consultation ended on 7 October. The draft remit for 2025 will go to the Pay Partnership Forum in Wales for consultation in December.  In the meantime, the existing STPC(W)D  remains valid.

NEU Cymru evidence to the IWPRB 2024

NEU Cymru has sent written evidence to the IWPRB calling for a fully funded, above-inflation pay rise that constitutes a meaningful step towards a long-term correction in pay and significant improvements in workload.  The NEU Cymru evidence sets out the overwhelming evidence in support of our call for urgent improvements to teacher pay and conditions to repair the damage to teacher pay and address the recruitment and retention crisis.  Members’ experiences and voices are included in the NEU Cymru evidence. 

NEU Cymru has also submitted supplementary evidence to the IWPRB which addresses the Welsh Government’s evidence to the IWPRB.

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