Pay day marked on calendar

Pay scales

Pay scales for teachers in various educational sectors across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, including part-time, sixth form colleges, and independent schools.

Other pay scales

Science teacher with pupils

Part-time teachers’ pay and conditions

Part-time teachers employed under the terms of the STPCD/STPC(W)D are entitled to be paid on a pro rata basis of the pay rate they would receive if employed full-time in the same post.

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Pay in the independent sector

As private businesses outside the national collective bargaining structure in the maintained sector, independent schools have greater freedom to set their own terms and conditions of employment.

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Pay in further education

Members in FE have seen their pay levels drift to a staggering £9k below that of schoolteachers and their counterparts in Sixth Form Colleges.

Fund fair pay logo

Pay scales for support staff

Pay scales for support staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Most support staff are employed on the local government pay scales determined for local government services.

Unqualified teachers

Unqualified teachers must be paid on the unqualified teachers’ pay range, unless they are on one of the employment-based routes into teaching when schools have the discretion to pay them on the same basis as qualified teachers. They may also be paid additional responsibility allowances for which there are no prescribed values.

Pay in academies

Academies are not statutorily required to follow the national schoolteacher pay provisions. Most academies do so but, if you are considering working in an academy, seek clear information about its pay policy and pay scales for teachers.

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