STRB supplementary evidence 2024

For 2024 the NEU has submitted supplementary evidence to the STRB with a detailed rebuttal of the Government’s evidence to the STRB.



  1. This document sets out the supplementary evidence from the National Education Union (NEU) to the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB). The focus of our supplementary evidence is a response to the Government’s evidence to the STRB. This was finally sent to the STRB on 29 February, missing the deadline that was met by all other consultees, alongside the Treasury’s Economic Evidence to Pay Review Bodies.
  2. The joint union statement that is being sent to the STRB as part of the supplementary evidence stage, and the initial written evidence from other consultees, again highlight the important point that the Government is isolated on the key issues facing the profession. We urge the STRB to give this important point appropriate weight and attention.
  3. The Government evidence again tries to constrain the STRB to working within the existing funding envelope, which following confirmation in the Spring Budget of no significant additional funding for schools is completely inadequate. The STRB must reject this attempt by the Government to use its failing policy on school funding to exacerbate its failing policies on teacher pay and conditions.
  4. The Government evidence completely ignores the key issue of the impact of the huge real terms pay cuts since 2010 on teacher living standards, the competitiveness of teacher pay and recruitment and retention. The STRB must prioritise this absolutely critical issue and make recommendations to urgently repair the damage.
  5. We set out below how the Government evidence presents pay issues in a misleading and partial way, and places inappropriate emphasis on so-called pay “targeting.” We also show how the Treasury’s Economic Evidence is simply economical with the truth.
  6. The Government seeks to downplay and distort the overwhelming evidence of the widespread and deep-rooted recruitment and retention problems. Instead of acknowledging that only a fully funded, major correction to pay for all teachers and school leaders can solve the recruitment and retention crisis, the Government evidence chases phantoms such as so-called targeted pay which would make the existing problems worse.
  7. There is no recognition in the Government evidence that so-called pay flexibility has caused major problems, both in terms of pay equalities and the recruitment and retention problems. The Government evidence fails to accept that the step change required to solve the workload problems needs significant funding and resourcing.
  8. In summary, the Government evidence takes no account of the reality for teachers and the school system – pay cuts and sky-high workload contributing to a major recruitment and retention crisis which requires urgent and radical repair of teacher pay and conditions.
    The Government is abnegating its responsibility to teachers, school leaders, pupils and parents. The STRB must call out rather than perpetuate the Government’s approach.

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