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Breastfeeding women at work

Breastfeeding information for women returning back to work from maternity leave.

Menywod sy’n bwydo ar y fron yn y gwaith (Welsh)

Many women who return to work from maternity leave are still breastfeeding. We want to see breastfeeding risk assessments, flexible adjustments to work arrangements, suitable rest facilities to breastfeed or express and dedicated paid breastfeeding breaks.

Breastfeeding woman

These arrangements are embraced in some schools and colleges, but they are not the norm. Too many breastfeeding women are facing degrading and humiliating treatment at work.

Resources for reps

Breastfeeding women at work model policy

The aim of this model policy on breastfeeding women at work is to provide a framework that schools can adopt to secure risk assessment, suitable rest facilities, flexible adjustments and breastfeeding breaks for new mothers at work.

Baby breast-feeding

Breastfeeding women at work – a call to action

The NEU is calling on all employers to uphold breastfeeding women’s rights at work.

Find out more
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Membership subscriptions during maternity, shared parental, or adoption leave

Members do not have to pay membership fees for the duration of the period of leave up to a maximum of 18 months.

More details
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