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Being pregnant at work

The NEU pregnant women at work resources have been developed to enable members and reps to demand better and work in unison collectively to assert the rights at work of pregnant teachers and support staff. 

The rights of pregnant teachers and support staff - to privacy and dignity at work, individual risk assessments, safe and fair working arrangements, more frequent rest breaks, a clean private space to rest and paid time off for antenatal appointments - are frequently disregarded. Many pregnant women are subjected to humiliating and unlawful treatment at work.

Pregnant early years teacher

Poor treatment of expectant mothers is not universal in our schools and colleges – we want to see more measures to support and accommodate pregnant women working in the education sector. We aim for all schools and colleges to have policies, systems and support in place to back pregnant women at work.

Guidance for members

Disclosing your pregnancy

A guide for pregnant teachers and support staff on your rights when you disclose your pregnancy to your school or college.

Pregnancy sickness

A guide for pregnant teachers and support staff on your rights if you experience pregnancy sickness at school or college.

Time off for antenatal care

A guide to the right to paid time off for antenatal care for pregnant teachers and support staff working in schools and colleges.

Pregnancy related dismissal

A guide for pregnant teachers and support staff on your rights if you’re facing dismissal from school or college on grounds of your pregnancy.

Resources for reps

Being pregnant at work model policy

The aim of this model policy on maternity rights is to support reps in securing risk assessments, suitable rest facilities, safe working conditions and fair treatment of pregnant teachers and support staff working in education settings.

Pregnant woman at whiteboard

Being pregnant at work – a call to action

The NEU is calling for better treatment of pregnant women working in schools and colleges. Find out what teachers and support staff told us about their experiences of working while pregnant in the education sector, and how members can work together to improve conditions at work.

Find out more
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Membership subscriptions during maternity, shared parental, or adoption leave

Members do not have to pay membership fees for the duration of the period of leave up to a maximum of 18 months.

More details
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