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Contract of employment

Guidance for teachers in England that sets out the items that must be covered in your employment contract (or statement of particulars).

A contract of employment sets out your terms and conditions of employment. Whilst a contract can be agreed verbally you are entitled to receive a written ‘statement of particulars’ that provides specific information such as your rate of pay and working hours, entitlements to sick pay etc.

In the education sector, you’re more likely to find your statement of particulars or terms and conditions set out in your letter of appointment. The letter of appointment often refers to other national or locally-agreed terms and conditions.

NEU red lines

  • All workers must receive a statement of particulars no later than the first day in a job. If you have not received it, you should request it from your line manager or head teacher. If you are experiencing difficulties getting a copy of your contract let your branch or district secretary know.
  • The statement of particulars should state the title of your post and include a brief description of the work for which you are employed.
  • You should receive a job description that outlines your role and duties as this will help clarify the tasks you should undertake and define your pay entitlement and workload.

Until the introduction of academies, almost all teachers in state-funded schools had their terms and conditions governed by the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD), which applies in England and has statutory effect. For Wales, see School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (Wales).

In addition to the STPCD, the teaching unions have negotiated a collective agreement for LA-maintained schools in England and Wales, known informally as ‘the Burgundy Book’ (‘conditions of service for school teachers in England and Wales). This contains provisions for notice periods, enhanced maternity leave and contractual sick pay etc, and is incorporated into the contracts of teachers in community, voluntary controlled, voluntary aided and trust schools. Your contract of employment will usually refer to your employment being subject to both the STPCD and the Burgundy Book if you work in these settings.

Academies, free schools and independent schools are not legally required to employ newly recruited teachers on these terms.  Any teacher who has been transferred from a community school into an academy will have their STPCD and Burgundy Book terms and conditions legally protected on transfer. The NEU campaigns in those schools for the adoption of the same provisions and many Academy Trusts have voluntarily opted into the terms.

As with schools in the independent sector, sixth form colleges are not legally required to employ teachers on STPCD and Burgundy Book terms and conditions, although some do.

Most teachers in the sixth form college sector are subject to the Teaching staff: conditions of service handbook, commonly known as the Red Book, which has similar, although not identical, terms to those in the STPCD and Burgundy Book.

Directly engaged supply workers are entitled to receive a written statement of particulars from their employer. A supply teacher who is employed directly to work in a maintained school will have the STPCD and relevant Burgundy Book provisions incorporated into their contract. 

Supply workers who are engaged by agencies are entitled to receive a written statement of particulars from their agency. Agency workers are also entitled to a separate key information document that sets out whether they will be employed by the agency under a contract of service or a contract for services; the identity of the agency; pay information and the nature of any costs and deductions from pay, among other information. They will also be provided with assignment agreements which set out the specifics of the assignment, for example whether the role is a teaching role, the location of the work and the likely duration of the assignment. 

Most teachers will receive a letter of appointment when they are appointed to a new post. Often this will refer to any specific terms and conditions which are contained in a separate document (e.g. the Burgundy Book or staff handbook), but in some cases the letter itself will constitute your contract in full if it contains all the terms required of a statement of particulars.

Your school or college should allow you access to copies of documents referred to, e.g. the STPCD and Burgundy Book and any local policies that apply to your employment, e.g. pay policy, maternity policy.. 

Your employer is legally obliged to provide you with a document setting out in full your terms and conditions of employment no later than the first day of your employment, but not before you have accepted an offer of employment. You are clearly at a disadvantage if you are offered a job without knowing whether your prospective employer will offer the same or similar terms as your existing employer.

If you feel you have not been provided with sufficient information you can see/adapt the model letter at the end of this briefing to request more information before you accept an offer of employment.

If you work in a community or voluntary controlled school, the local authority will be your employer although the school’s governing body will have some delegated powers relating to appointment, suspension, discipline, and dismissal. If you work in a voluntary aided school or foundation school your employer will be the governing body. If you work in a sixth form college the employer will be the statutory corporation (unless it is a sixth form which has been taken into a Multi-Academy Trust.) 

In an Academy school, you will be employed by the Academy Trust or Multi-Academy Company.  In an independent school, the proprietor, trust or foundation is likely to be your employer.

Your contract should clearly state who your employer is, along with the start date of your employment with this employer (including any previous employment that counts towards your continuity of service for both employment protection and redundancy purposes, as these can be different.). 

Supply staff

Advice for supply members, whether working via agencies or directly with schools, and for NEU branch and district officers supporting such members.

Finding out your terms and conditions

The statement of particulars must specify your rate of pay and how often you will be paid (daily/weekly/monthly etc). Teachers in maintained schools should be paid according to the relevant provisions in the STPCD and in line with your employer’s pay policy. Your contract should state on what point you have been appointed for any applicable pay scale and what, if any, additional pay comes with your position, such as special educational needs (SEN) points or teaching and learning responsibilities (TLRs).

You are entitled to know any terms relating to your hours of work. Staff on STPCD contracts have very particular terms specifying the number of days and hours they must be available to work, this is known as directed time. The STPCD also requires a teacher to work reasonable additional hours to support teaching. If you work part-time your contract should make clear what proportion of full-time hours you are required to work and on what days. There is a provision in the STPCD guidance for how this should be worked out.

The statutory minimum annual leave (5.6 weeks) will apply unless the contract states otherwise. The minimum can include public holidays unless these are stated to be additional. Teachers are normally expected to take their annual leave during school/college holidays, but unlike in other jobs they do not generally have specified holiday entitlement set out in their contracts, just days that they are required to attend work and days of school closure. 

Teachers in maintained schools will have access to the sick pay scheme in the Burgundy Book which provides for full pay on 25 working days of sickness and half pay for a further 50 days of sickness. This rises incrementally each year to 100 days full pay and 100 days half pay during the fourth and subsequent years’ service. There may be local agreements negotiated with the unions about sick pay and conditions.

Teachers in other schools and sixth form colleges should refer to their contracts/staff handbooks for provisions of any occupational/contractual sick pay scheme. If your contract does not contain terms about occupational sick pay, you will only be entitled to statutory sick pay (SSP).

Your letter of appointment should set out, or direct you to, your contractual maternity scheme. The Burgundy Book maternity scheme is incorporated into the contracts of most teachers. Most maternity rights are dependent on you having worked for the same employer for a period of time. Read more on your pregnancy and maternity rights

Most teachers in state funded schools are able to join the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, as are many teachers in the independent sector.  If you work in a private school you may be offered access to a private pension where you and your employer contribute a specified amount each month and build up a ‘pension pot’.

Even if there are no details in your contract, you should still be entitled to join a pension scheme – ask your employer’s personnel department: all employers are required to offer access to a pension through ‘auto-enrolment’ to employees earning more than £10,000 per year.

Your contract must tell you how much notice you have to give your employer before you leave your job and how much notice you are entitled to receive if your contract is terminated.

Once you have completed one month in employment, there is a statutory minimum entitlement for your employer to give you at least one week’s notice, with an additional week for each completed year of service up to a maximum of 12 weeks. Many teachers are subject to Burgundy Book conditions of service, which set out the notice periods required of both the employer and the employee.

It should be clearly stated in your contract of employment if your employment is not expected to be permanent, along with the reason for it being temporary (e.g. maternity cover, sickness cover, time limited funding) and the task to be covered, a specified end date or the expected duration. Fixed-term employees have the same statutory rights as any other employee once they have acquired the relevant qualifying service.

Contracts model letter

Use this model letter to request more information before you accept an offer of employment.

Working from home with child

Flexible working

Flexible working is not only beneficial for workers and employers, but also for pupils, quality of care and education.

Teacher at whiteboard in front of students

Fixed-term contracts

The legal definitions of fixed-term or temporary contracts and what steps members should take if they believe that they have been treated less favourably or denied a permanent contract in breach of the fixed-term contract regulations.

Key documents

The Burgundy Book

The Burgundy Book 2023 (National Conditions of Service for Teachers in England and Wales).

The Red Book

Teaching staff in sixth form colleges conditions of service handbook.

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