Behaviour management is of paramount importance.
Your ability to control your class depends on the quality of your relationship with them, so in your first lesson with each class it is vital to start on the right foot, building a positive, respectful relationship. Here are some tips to help you.
Before you start
Behaviour management is a skill which teachers need time to perfect. Read the school policy on behaviour management and stick to it closely, because consistency throughout the school is important. If a pupil is likely to be tricky, ask a teacher who has worked with them what works best.
The first lesson
- Hold your head up, look your pupils in the eye and smile confidently, giving the impression that you are expecting everyone to co-operate.
- Speak politely to pupils and use a quiet, firm manner to tell them everything you expect of them.
- Some teachers spend the first half-hour negotiating an agreed contract with the class, establishing ground rules of what teacher and pupil reasonably expect of each other and pinning them up on the notice board.