NEU delegates

Advice for school leaders

Advice sheets

Series of advice sheets for members of NEU Leadership - senior leaders in education. These advice sheets aim to give you advice on your position as an employee, which reflects your particular position as a leader and manager.

Your contract of employment

For NEU members employed as leaders in the maintained sector or employed by or transferred to multi-academy trusts, many contractual terms and conditions are covered by the statutory School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (the STPCD or Blue Book).

Safer social networking

This briefing is designed to help NEU Leadership members review their school or college’s policy on social networking and avoid the potential pitfalls of use of social media.

Complaints against you

It is essential that every establishment has a clear, robust complaints policy that allows complaints to be the subject of fair and thorough investigation.

Fair pay for leaders

Leaders are not obliged to put others’ needs before their own; all educational staff deserve fair pay. The NEU advocates a “whole school” approach.

Health and safety benchmarking

The assessment tool has been designed to complement the Health and Safety Executives (HSE) national strategy for health and safety.

More advice

Pay day marked on calendar


The STPCD sets out an overall leadership pay range that puts an upper and lower limit on pay for all leadership teachers.

Man and woman talking

Pay progression

The statutory provisions governing pay progression for all teachers, including school leaders, in local authority maintained schools are set out in the STPCD.


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