These resources include classroom activities as well as downloadable postcards and posters covering the persecution of Black people, disabled people, Gypsies and Porrajmos, Poles and gay men. The incredible Paul's journey and Martin and Erica's journey stories are also available to download for free with accompanying teachers notes.

Mosaic: Victims of Nazi persecution
A comprehensive set of teaching resources on the Holocaust and Nazi persecution, produced by the NEU and the Holocaust Educational Trust.
Martin and Erica's Journey

Martin and Erica's Journey
This is the story of Martin and Erica Stern and the journey they were forced to make through Europe during the Second World War.

Martin and Erica's Journey notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Martin and Erica's Journey' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Paul's journey

Paul's journey
Paul’s story, like that of millions of other Jewish people in Hitler’s Europe 1933-45, is a story of fear, persecution and cruelty, which illustrates the dangers of sectarianism and ethnic or racial prejudice – a lesson we must never forget.

Paul's Journey notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Paul's Journey' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Mosaic: Victims of Nazi Persecution notes
Guidance notes for the Mosaic resource, designed to help students explore the diverse experiences of the many groups of people persecuted during the era of the Third Reich.
Persecution of Poles

Czesława Kwoka postcard
Czesława Kwoka was born on 15th August 1928 in Wólka Złojecka, a small village near the city of Zamość in south-eastern Poland.

Persecution of Poles poster
Why would a Government not allow children to go to school? Why would children be stolen from their families? What do you understand by the term ‘Germanisation’?

Persecution of Poles notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Persecution of Poles' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Soviet prisoners of war

Konstantin Alexandrovich Shilov postcard
Konstantin Alexandrovich Shilov was born in Bugulma in Russia in 1913 and, like millions of other Russians of his generation, he experienced great hardship during his childhood.

Soviet prisoners of war poster
Why do international laws exist? What can happen when they are ignored? How should soldiers who are captured by those they are fighting be treated?

Soviet Prisoners of War notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Soviet prisoners of war' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Persecution of gay men

Richard Grune postcard
Richard Grune was born on 2nd August 1903 in Flensburg in northern Germany.

Persecution of gay men poster
Why would these men have been persecuted? What was Paragraph 175? What did the pink triangle symbolise?

Persecution of gay men notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Persecution of gay men' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Magdalena Kusserow postcard
Magdalena Kusserow was born on 23rd January 1924 in Bochum in Germany.

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses poster
Why would a government regard a family home as a threat? Why would someone refuse to serve in the army? What would a person be prepared to sacrifice for their faith?

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Persecution of black people

Theodor Wonja Michael postcard
Theodor Wonja Michael was born into a mixed race family in Berlin on 15th January 1925.

Nazi Persecution of Black People poster
What was ‘racial science’? What does ‘Afrodeutsch’ mean? Who has the right to decide who can have children?

Nazi Persecution of Black People notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Persecution of black people' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Disabled people and the Euthanasia programme

Theresia Karas postcard
Theresia Karas was born on 13th May 1928 in Salzburg, Austria.

Disabled people and the euthanasia programme poster
What is the purpose of a castle? What does “Euthanasia” mean? Who has the right to choose who lives and who dies?

Disabled people and the euthanasia programme notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Disabled people and the euthanasia programme' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Persecution of Gypsies and the Porrajmos

Rita Prigmore postcard
Rita Prigmore was born on 3rd March 1943 in Wuerzburg, Germany, together with her twin sister Rolanda, into a Sinti (Gypsy) family.

Persecution of Gypsies and the Porrajmos poster
What does “sterilization” mean? Why would a government prevent certain groups from having children? Why would a Gypsy be sterilized?

Persecution of Gypsies and the Porrajmos notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Persecution of Gypsies and the Porrajmos' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Jews in Hungary

Elie Wiesel postcard
Elie Wiesel was born in 1928 in the town of Sighet, Transylvania, which is today part of Romania.

Jews in Hungary poster
What makes a community? What does a synagogue look like? What was lost during the Holocaust?

Jews in Hungary notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Jews in Hungary' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.
Persecution of Trade Unionists

Wilhelm Leuschner postcard
Wilhelm Leuschner was born into a working class family on 15th June 1890 in the German city of Bayreuth.

Persecution of trade unionists poster
Why would workers go on strike? What rights should workers have? Why would a government abolish trade unions?

Persecution of trade unionists notes
Teaching notes on the content and usage of the 'Persecution of trade unionists' section of the resource, together with advice on the pedagogical challenges and conceptual issues it raises.