The impact of efficiency
The Department for Education’s (DfE’s) Safety Valve (SV) and Delivering Better Value (DBV) programmes target the local authorities (LAs) with the biggest Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) deficits because of the high spend on their high needs budgets.
The SV programme targets LAs with the highest percentage deficits.
The DBV programme targets LAs with slightly smaller deficits.
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) is also working with any remaining authorities that have DSG deficits.
The stated aim of all three programmes is to establish sustainable high needs budgets for the LAs.
Implications and concerns
The NEU has concerns about the implications of these programmes for SEND provision, as the aim of ‘making savings’ often leads to cuts in services or the loss of quality of provision.
The programmes aim to achieve sustainable budgets by reducing demand for EHCPs and reducing the use of very high-cost specialist provision. Reducing demand for EHCPs should mean that children and young people with SEND have their needs identified early and support provided promptly, so that needs do not escalate.
For this to succeed, schools need to be resourced and teachers supported appropriately.