Ofcom’s new online safety rules to protect children.

We need a thorough look at the way social media is regulated.


Commenting on Ofcom's consultation over their new rules for social media companies to protect children from harmful content, Daniel Kebede, General Secretary, National Education Union, said:  

"Social media corporations, driven by profit and unconcerned about their impact on children’s well-being, have rode roughshod for too long. They have created a digital empire that exploits the addictive and compelling nature of their products, harvesting data and information from children to further increase screen time and thus profit. The promotion of violent and abusive material, including material about self -harm, to young people must end. 

"Ofcom is frequently criticised for not using its powers to tackle new media more robustly and effectively, but here for children's sake it must have teeth. The powers to collect data from companies are important, as is the requirement upon the likes of Instagram and TikTok to conduct risk assessments within three months and before enforcement begins. We need to see Ofcom play a greater role and hold new media to account. 

"Whilst these new rules are a start, government must go further. We need an independent Parliamentary Commission to kick start a process of getting to grips with the impacts of social media on young people’s lives and their health- and a thorough look at the way social media is regulated."

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