This year marks 75 years from when the ‘Windrush’ generation came to the UK after the Second World War, starting from 1948. Nearly 500 passengers were carried on the Empire Windrush from Caribbean countries.
Marking National Windrush day and the 75th anniversary of Windrush, Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary of the National Education Union, said:
“Today should signal a celebration and appreciation of the Windrush generation and their massive and varied contribution to British society.
‘There is a vital role for education to play in helping young people to understand the histories of the Windrush generation and that immigration is positive for the country. It is why the NEU is committed to empowering leaders and teachers to embed anti-racist approaches across our education system. The curriculum must be inclusive, and this means highlighting the multiple ways in which Black people have contributed towards our society over many centuries.
‘Specifically, the Windrush generation pioneers have made significant contributions towards the rebuilding of Britain, demonstrating courage and enterprise and running our public services and institutions beyond. The NEU thinks that the curriculum must reflect this as it is an integral understanding of our national history. This is one crucial way of tackling race inequality and the ways that British colonialism has impacted on history, migration and society.
‘The Windrush generation and their descendants continue to face injustice and denials of their rights. Since the publication of the independent report by Wendy Williams, reporting to the Home Office, far too little learning has happened. The Government must do more to address these historic and current injustices and we call for the recommendations made by the Windrush Lessons Learned review to be taken up and actioned”.