- Ask for confirmation that all eligible members including those with protected characteristics and vulnerable groups will receive pay progression.
- Check the School’s Pay Policy. Highlight what it says about equality of outcomes and communicate this to members. Discuss with members whether to seek changes to the pay policy.
- Meet with members. Are there concerns about pay? – both for those working from home and at school.
- Talk to members and find out if they have had a meeting with their appraiser to discuss pay progression in September.
- Arrange a meeting with management.
- Before meeting management ask for a pay profile of teachers by age, disability, race and sex.
- Ask your school management how many teachers in your workplace have childcare responsibilities.
- Find out how many Black and ethnic minority teachers are eligible for pay progression in September.
- Ask how many members are on maternity leave and long-term sick leave.
- Ask the Head to confirm that objectives will be reduced in response to the impact of the pandemic on school staff and what bias free criteria will be used.
- Ask the Head for evidence that pay progression decisions will not impact negatively on pregnant women, women who have been absent on maternity leave, Black teachers, disabled teachers, teacher with childcare responsibilities and other vulnerable teachers, and what bias free criteria will be used.
- Find out whether teachers who share protected characteristics are being treated less favourably than other teachers.
- Ask the Head, where relevant, to explain the difference in outcomes between different groups of staff.
Equality in pay checklist
A checklist for reps to take steps in the workplace to prevent bias in pay progression decisions.
Pay progression
All pay progression including onto and on the Upper Pay Range should be automatic and annual.
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