Being pregnant at work model policy

The aim of this model policy on maternity rights is to support reps in securing risk assessments, suitable rest facilities, safe working conditions and fair treatment of pregnant teachers and support staff working in education settings.


Schools/colleges should be committed to creating a safe environment where pregnant women are supported and treated with dignity and respect.

Pregnancy and maternity are protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and pregnant women also have a range of statutory rights relating to their health, safety and employment.

Our model policies and policy checklists are designed to assist NEU reps in negotiating the best employment policies on behalf of our members.

Reps should strive to ensure policies are compliant with the NEU models.

Reps should consult members before agreeing new policies or changes to existing policies and should not agree policies that do not meet member expectations, any statutory requirements and NEU minimums.

Reps should always seek to work collaboratively with other unions. 

If a policy is unacceptable, members should consider a collective response that may include taking industrial action. For further advice contact your NEU branch.

Pregnant woman working from home on laptop

Being pregnant at work

The NEU pregnant women at work resources have been developed to enable members and reps to demand better and work in unison to assert the rights at work of pregnant teachers and support staff.

Find out more
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