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Musicians' Union joint membership

The National Education Union and Musicians’ Union have created a partnership to strengthen the promotion of music education in schools.

Call to join

The two unions are committed to joint working to support music education. The partnership includes joint membership deals for NEU/MU members, bespoke continual professional development work and joint projects with the Music for Youth festival series.

Through this partnership, members of each union can join the other at a reduced rate.

National Education Union members

The majority of your work is classroom based

Some of your work is as a musician performing, writing or teaching.

You can join the Musicians Union at half the annual subscription rate visit or email [email protected]

Musicians’ Union members

The majority of your work is as a musician, performing, writing and teaching.

Some of your work is classroom based.

You can join the National Education Union at a flat rate of 15% of our standard membership rate (regardless of job role and working hours)

For the academic year 2024/25 year this will be a fee of £33.32.

If you require further information, please email [email protected] or call 0345 811 8111.

If you wish join at the special joint membership, please call 0345 811 8111.

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