Insurance for car, person and posessions

Members' insurance

Free comprehensive insurance cover from personal accidents to loss or damage to personal property, including teaching equipment, whilst undertaking your role as an education professional.

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Personal possessions insurance

Personal property belonging to members of the NEU is automatically covered under a collective insurance policy against accidental loss, destruction or damage by flood, fire, theft or malicious act whilst in school premises or educational establishment whilst undertaking your role as an educational Professional.

Special conditions apply, see form below.

MoneySum Insured up to £500 with an Excess of £25
Personal PropertySum insured up to £750 with an Excess of £25
EyewearSum insured up to £1,000 with an Excess of £25
Electronics & Wearable TechnologySum insured up to £1,000 with an Excess of £25
Bicycle (including accessories)Sum insured up to £1,500 with an Excess of £25

Damage to motor vehicles on work premises

This policy provides for the cost of repairing damages to members' private motor vehicles or motorcycle whilst on school premises or an educational establishment. This policy also covers members who are on Union business at any educational establishment. The motor vehicle must be parked with the boundaries of school premises or an educational establishment. This enables members to protect their no claims discount for small damage claims by not claiming off their own insurance policy. Please note, special conditions apply – see form.

Members group personal accident

Members of the NEU have access to a comprehensive personal accident insurance policy.


All claims must be completed and settled within 2 years from the date of incident. 

Dental and Fracture Claim must be completed and settled within 1 year from the date of incident.

Please note, special conditions apply.

Hospitalisation Benefit
Cover for an occupation accident resulting in member being hospitalised for more than one day.

How to apply

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

  • Date of accident
  • Where accident took place
  • How the accident occurred
  • Nature of injury
  • Number of days admitted in hospital
  • Who was the incident reported to
  • Confirmation if a discharge summary available
Fracture Benefit

This policy only pays out for one fracture per incident following an occupational accident as listed below.

Hip or pelvis (exudes coccyx or thigh)

Femur or heel

Skull (excludes jaw and nose), lower leg, collar bone, ankle, elbow, upper or lower arm (including the wrist but not collies’ fracture)

Spine (vertebrae but excluding coccyx)

How to apply

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

  • Date of accident
  • Where it happened
  • How it happened
  • Name of broken bone
  • Who was the incident reported to
  • If and what medical assistance was required
Medical expenses following a workplace assault Benefit
A cover in event of a member sustaining injury from unprovoked assault at their place of work whilst carrying out their usual occupational duties and results in them incurring a charge. Please note, the incident must be reported to the school as an assault.

How to apply

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

  • Nature of injury
  • Date of accident
  • Where it happened
  • How it happened
  • Who was the incident reported to
  • If and what medical assistance was required
  • What was the charge incurred for
Dental Benefit

The Union provides cost of dental treatment incurred for members who suffered accidental bodily injury whilst engaged on their occupation during the period of insurance which results in permanent loss or damage to permanent teeth or dentures.

Claim must be made within 1 year of the incident.

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

Date of accident

Where it happened

How it happened

Who was the incident reported to

If and what medical assistance was required.

Accidental Death Benefit and Funeral Cost

Any member of the NEU who was in employment and had an up- to- date membership at the time of their death is automatically insured in event of accidental death, either at work or travelling to or from work.

If you are unsure of what is meant by “accidental death” in this context, the following examples give an idea of what is covered and what is not covered under the policy.

Example 1 – Accident causing death – Claim would be paid

During the course of her school day, Mrs Matthews lost her balance and slipped down the stairs causing severe injuries. Unfortunately, Mrs Matthews later dies due to her injuries caused by the fall at work.  After confirming that death was a direct result of an accident and none of the cover exclusions apply the claim would be paid.

Example 2 – Death due to an illness – Claim would not be paid

Mrs Brown has been diagnosed with cancer. Over the coming months her health deteriorates rapidly  and eventually it takes her life.  This claim would not be paid because Mrs Brown’s death is a direct result of the cancer which is an illness and did not cause an accidental death. 

Example 3 – Illness causing an accident – Claim would be paid

Whilst driving, Mr Patel suffers a stroke and crashes his car resulting in serious injuries. A medical professional confirms the stroke was quite mild and he could make a full recovery. However, unfortunately, Mr Patel later dies from his injuries caused by the car crash.

After confirming that death was a direct result of an accident and none of the cover exclusions apply, the claim would be paid.

A payment can also be made an event of accidental death in respect of non-work-related death.

Funeral expenses can be claimed after a member’s accidental death as described above.

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

Date of death

Cause of death

Is the death certificate available. Please email copy.

Your relation to the deceased member

Capital Benefit
Members are covered for compensation in respect of permanent disablement following an occupation accident. The amount will be dependent on if the incident occurred on or off duty

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

The nature of disablement

Date of incident

Where it happened

How it happened

What is a permanent disablement

Who was the incident reported to

Rehabilitation Expenses
Members can claim for this benefit to assist in rehabilitation expenses following a permanent disablement payment

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

Date of accident

Where it happened

How it happened

Type of permanent disablement

Who was the incident reported to

Facial Disfiguration
Cover for accidental bodily injury, which within 2 years, is the sole cause of permanent facial disfiguration with visible scar tissues. Insurers will pay out depending on length of scar

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

Date of incident

Where it happened

How it happened

Length of scar

Who was the incident reported to

Paraplegia or Quadriplegia
Cover for accident resulting in member becoming Paraplegic, Hemiplegic, Triplegic or Quadriplegic following an occupation accident

Please email [email protected] with the following information:

Nature of accident

Date of accident

Where it happened

How it happened

Who was the incident reported to

Coma Benefit
A cover for continuous unconsciousness up to 730 days following an occupation accident

Please email [email protected] with the following information

Date of accident

Where it happened

How it happened

How many days in coma

Overnight accommodation cost to support relative stay nearby
Cover for family members needing overnight accommodation following hospitalisation of a member in an event of an occupation accident. Cover only applies where a stay exceeds 1 night

Please email [email protected] with the following information

Date of incident

Where it happened

How it happened

Relation of member needing overnight stay


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