Members of staff who underperform sometimes have a relatively short period of service. A much larger proportion are experienced educators who are overloaded with work and/or face a plethora of new initiatives from local and central government.
Members of staff who underperform may also be dealing with the effects of diminished health. That is not to say that everyone subject to capability proceedings is underperforming.
The NEU believes the capability process is often abused, contributing to a large number of people leaving the profession.
While the NEU recognises the pressures on head teachers to save money and increase academic results with fewer resources, supporting staff development with care is vital to retain colleagues and motivate staff teams.
Where a member of staff fails consistently to perform their duties to a professionally acceptable standard they are said to lack capability. The union continues to argue that allegations of misconduct or incapability arising from persistent ill health should not be dealt with under capability/competence procedures.