As a union rep you are implicitly agreeing to abide by the union’s responsibilities to data protection. You will have access to lists of members in your workplace and handle some casework, so it is important you use reasonable security measures to safeguard members’ data at every stage.
This guide highlights the core of your responsibilities and will be updated as appropriate.
Start of role - workplace rep
At the start of your role as a rep carrying out the following should ensure a responsible approach to data protection:
- Read and understand and keep to hand this page, making a note of where other supporting information can be found, eg reps’ training course materials.
- Read and understand the data protection statement - as a rep you have implicitly signed up to this.
- Register and receive your official union access to members’ lists.
- All devices where you may access lists of members must be password-protected or ensure you have your own secure login if the device is a shared resource.
- You are not obligated to share the list of members in your school with your head/principal or anyone else, under any circumstances.