Teachers’ terms and conditions in Northern Ireland

Details of the legislation and negotiated agreements that make us the terms and conditions of teachers in Northern Ireland. 

Supply teachers in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland agreement on teachers' pay and conditions of service is reached through the Teachers' Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee (Schools) – commonly known as the Teachers’ Negotiating Committee or ‘TNC’.

TNC comprises the employing authorities/employer representatives, the Department of Education (DE) and the five recognised teachers' unions (INTO, NASUWT, UTU, NEU, and NAHT).

The Department of Education determines teachers' pay in accordance with the provisions of Article 69 (1) and (6) of the Education and Libraries Order 1986, and issues Pay Determinations/Circulars which give legal effect to salary changes.

Teachers' (Terms and Conditions of Employment) Regulations (Northern Ireland 1987) (and the Amendment Regulations of 1988, No. 299) set out the terms and conditions of employment of teachers in all grant-aided schools.

In short, a full-time teacher, is contracted to be available for work on 195 days in any year of which not more than 190 days should involve teaching children in a classroom situation.

A teacher shall be available to perform under the ‘reasonable direction’ of the Principal.

A teacher is contracted to work for 1,265 hours in any year (exclusive of time spent off school premises in preparing and marking lessons). A ‘year’ is 12 months commencing on 31st July and a ‘week’ means a period of 7 days commencing on a Sunday.

A teacher is only required to teach in a classroom situation for a maximum 25 hours in any week in a primary or special school and 23.5 hours in any week in a secondary school.

Unless employed under a separate contract as a mid-day supervisor, a teacher shall not be required to undertake mid-day supervision and is entitled to a break of at least 30 minutes between the hours of 12 noon and 2.00 pm (in nursery schools / nursery units in primary schools 30 minutes between the hours of 12 noon and 2.30pm).

The main TNC policies (and supporting information) that make up a teacher’s contract of employment are:

Teacher workload

Play video Northern Ireland time budgets & workload video image

Time budget and workload webinar

A joint union webinar (UTU, INTO and NEU) delivered by Danielle Black, NEU Regional Officer exploring time budgets and workload issues for teachers working in Northern Ireland.

Play video Northern Ireland stress at work seminar video image

Stress at work webinar

Joint union webinar (INTO/NEU/UTU) using HSE(NI) Management Standards.

Classroom management

Play video Northern Ireland dealing with difficult pupil situations video image

Dealing with difficult pupil situations webinar

Bronagh Wright (NEU) delivers the latest Joint Union Webinar for INTO, NEU, and UTU members on how to deal with difficult pupil situations in the classroom.

Grievance and discipline

Your right to be accompanied

NEU members, like all workers, have a statutory right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union official where they are required, or invited, by their employer to attend certain disciplinary or grievance hearings.

Performance Management

Attendance and time off

Play video Northern Ireland brief abscences webinar video image

Teachers' brief absences webinar

This session focuses on the provisions of DE Circular 2014/18 in relation to teachers being absent for 3 or less working days, and DE Circular 1993/31 for absences exceeding 3 days.

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Flexible working part 1 webinar

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Flexible Working Part 2 webinar Q&A

INTO / NEU / UTU officials respond to questions about teacher's flexible working options.

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Teacher's career break scheme Working Together webinar

Joint INTO / NEU / UTU Webinar for teacher members on the TNC Career Break Scheme Feb 2022.

Maternity rights

All teachers in Northern Ireland are entitled to one years’ maternity leave consisting of 26 weeks ordinary and 26 weeks additional leave.

Shared parental leave

The Work and Families (Northern Ireland) Act 2015 provides an opportunity for parents to take advantage of additional flexibility in the way they choose to care for a new arrival to the family.


Redundancy & Termination

Your right to be accompanied

NEU members, like all workers, have a statutory right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union official where they are required, or invited, by their employer to attend certain disciplinary or grievance hearings.

Teachers' pay and pension

Pay scales

Pay scales for Northern Ireland following the pay rise from 1 September 2023.

Other useful joint union webinars

Play video Northern Ireland protecting online identity webinar video image

Protecting your professional online identity webinar

Play video Northern Ireland representing members video image

Representing members at school level joint union webinar

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