
Welcome to the Northumberland District web pages. Please email district secretary Alex Snowdon - [email protected] - to find out more about local meetings and campaigning, training opportunities, annual conference and other opportunities to participate in the union.

Contact our lead caseworker Maggie Coombe - [email protected] - if you have an issue at work and would like support. Maggie  leads a team of caseworkers who can support members with resolving issues and problems.




NEU member contact:

Alex Snowdon

NEU member contact:

Sarah Kilpatrick

Become a rep

We have a strong network of school reps in Northumberland. The rep is the voice for members at work and has a hugely important role to play in building a strong union that can make a difference. If you would like to become a rep, get in touch with Alex and also see Become a rep for more info.

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