SEND provision and support in schools in England
Education Policy Institute report shows unequal access to SEND support in schools
Indicative ballot on pay proposal
An unfunded pay award will be disastrous for the profession. Teachers need an adequate, fully funded pay rise now. Your executive has met and made a decision. Our ballot launches on 1 March.
Sixth form college strikes are suspended to consult members on the latest guarantees on pay and funding.
Education Policy Institute report shows unequal access to SEND support in schools
The ambition to remove asbestos entirely from all public buildings is very welcome and must begin as soon as possible.
It’s not inspection that delivers education excellence - it's well supported, experienced staff - and it is investment
Sister unions have requested NEU input into negotiations for this year’s pay claim.
Pay scales for teachers in various educational sectors across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, including part-time, sixth form colleges, and independent schools.
Maternity rights and entitlements available to teachers and support staff in schools and colleges.
Your January/February 2025 edition of Educate magazine.
The newsletter for members in Northern Ireland.
The magazine for NEU Leadership members.