

Williamson and Hancock’s leaked messages

Teachers and education staff worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and education unions listened to the science and acted to protect the school community when the Government was doing neither.


LGBT+ networks

The NEU has active LGBT+ educators’ networks across the country ensuring the voices of LGBT+ educators are heard and creating pathways to activism and leadership.


Councillors' network

The NEU Councillors Network is a partnership between local councillors of all parties and the National Education Union, to help shape the future of education.


Governors' network

The NEU Governors Network is a partnership between the National Education Union and all governors and trustees. Help us shape the future of education.


Sutton Trust on tutoring

The findings released show that providing schools with direct funding is a more effective means of ensuring that the most disadvantaged students get the support they need.


Deadlock in industrial action dispute

An attempt by education unions involved in the industrial action dispute over pay and funding to break the current deadlock and move forward with talks with the government has been ignored.


Union journals

The NEU publishes Educate for all members, Educate for Wales, Frontline for members in Northern Ireland and Lead magazine for leadership members.

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