

Member benefits

As well as giving you a stronger voice in the workplace and the opportunity to shape the future of education, NEU membership also gives you access to a wide range of offers.


NEU networks

Join one of our member-led national organising forums or networks to make your voice heard within your union.



The NEU’s strength comes from having a strong, active, and engaged membership in workplaces up and down the country. No union can exist without its members. And no union can take its membership for granted.


Get involved

By getting involved in your union, you can shape union policy, play a key role in campaigning, and work with colleagues to resolve issues in your workplace. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in your union, locally and nationally.


Oak National Academy

The NEU opposes the Government’s decision to create a national curriculum body in the form of OAK National Academy, with funding of more than £43m over three years.

Advice & Guidance

Fixed-term contracts

The legal definitions of fixed-term or temporary contracts and what steps members should take if they believe that they have been treated less favourably or denied a permanent contract in breach of the fixed-term contract regulations.

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