Protect the right to strike march and rally

Demonstrate to protect the right to strike on 27 January

To protest against the Government’s introduction of minimum service levels, which will restrict the right to strike for up to five million workers, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has organised a protest in Cheltenham on 27 January.

The date marks the 40th anniversary of the withdrawal of trade union rights from workers at GCHQ, which were won back 27 years later. TUC-affiliated unions will march with the sacked GCHQ workers through Cheltenham, to commemorate their victory and to recommit ourselves to opposition to minimum service levels, trade union restrictions and any threat to the right to strike. Find out more information and downloadable posters on TUC website. We are finalising plans for NEU presence and so keep the date free and put on your marching shoes!

More details on TUC demo

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