Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill Date: 17/12/2024 This ambitious bill will make a meaningful difference to the lives of staff and children. Pay Rights at work Safeguarding
RSHE guidance for schools Date: 15/05/2024 Yet more culture war noise from an ill-informed and out of touch Government. Primary RSHE Safeguarding
Ofcom’s new online safety rules to protect children. Date: 08/05/2024 We need a thorough look at the way social media is regulated. Safeguarding
Labour on sexual harassment in schools Date: 26/02/2024 Sexism in schools is symptomatic of gender inequality across our society. Equality Safeguarding Sexism
Pencoedtre High School strike action Date: 30/01/2024 NEU Cymru members at Pencoedtre High School in Barry to take strike action over school’s inability to tackle student behaviour Behaviour Industrial action Safeguarding