Labour pledge on careers advice

To have real impact, this must take place alongside investment into the education sector and a broader curriculum.


Commenting on Labour’s plan to expand careers advice and work experience in schools, Daniel Kebede, General Secretary of the National Education Union, said:

“Preparing our young people for the future is essential. We welcome Labour’s announcement to recruit over 1,000 new careers advisors which will greatly support the work that schools and colleges already do to support their students’ understanding of the world of work. For this initiative to have real impact, it must take place alongside investment into the education sector and a broader curriculum, which would ensure all students have the knowledge and skills necessary for life beyond school and college.

“14 years of chronic Government cuts have made it difficult for students to plan for their future. Class sizes are too big, limiting the individual support and subject choice available, leaving many students unable to pick the subjects and qualifications they enjoy and need for their next steps.

“Our assessment system is outdated and fails to enable and capture important skills relevant for the 21st century. It must be urgently reviewed and it’s time to move away from reliance on any one method to best prepare students for the future.”

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