Poster to advertise a meeting on workload in your workplace during summer term to make decisions together and democratically, so as a rep, you are mandated to negotiate changes.
Poster to advertise a meeting on appraisal and accountability bargaining during spring term to make decisions together and democratically, so as a rep, you are mandated to negotiate changes.
The aim of this checklist on ratios for students in SEND students in mainstream schools is to provide a framework that schools can adopt to ensure they adhere to good practice.
Model letter for reps or officers to collectively request that any NEU support staff members' back-pay is staggered, to minimise the risk of future reductions in Universal Credit.
Poster to advertise a meeting on pay bargaining in your workplace during autumn term to make decisions together and democratically, so as a rep, you are mandated to negotiate changes.
This model letter for reps is designed to help reps secure critical objectives on pay implementation, including implementation of the pay increases and automatic pay progression in line with the joint union advice.