Working in academies: Facility time (local authority funding) letters

Draft letters to academies that set out the arguments retaining central funding by the local authority for the costs of supply cover relating to trade union facility time.


In liaison with your secretary or NEU contact, you can ensure that the appropriate letter is sent to your new employer.

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Which letter?

Where there is no local facility time pot, you may use letter B5 to urge your schools at the point of transfer either to set up a school facility time funding arrangement or to lobby the local authority to establish a pot. Where these is a local pot, you may use letter B6 to urge your school to participate in local facility time funding arrangements. If you transferred some time ago, you may use letter B3b, to urge your academy to participate in buy-back arrangements established by the local authority.

Secondary school children working together in a lesson


If your school or college is proposing to move to academy status or moving to a new academy employer, you can use the tips, guidance and resources on these pages to work with members to protect your rights for now and into the future.

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