Why should Performance Related Pay be abolished?

This Bargaining Essentials document is to support NEU reps to negotiate the abolition of Performance Related Pay (PRP) in their workplace. 


What is Performance Related Pay?

Performance Related Pay (PRP) is the system applied since 2014 where a teacher’s progression up the pay scale is determined by their performance during the year against a set criteria and targets agreed in the autumn term.

Teachers are professionals who must be treated as such

When linking pay progression to performance management the focus is on a limited range of outcomes rather than the full scope of teachers’ responsibilities and duties.

It does not improve performance

There is no evidence that PRP improves educational outcomes. Research on the impact of PRP, conducted by the OECD concluded.

More and more schools are abolishing PRP

PRP has been abolished in Wales and many Multi Academy Trusts have followed suit. PRP will no longer be mandatory for Local Authority schools as of September 2024.

It harms recruitment and retention

Recruitment and retention is a huge problem for schools in England. PRP is a big factor causing teachers to consider leaving the profession.

It increases workload for both teachers and leaders

Every year teachers, senior leaders and governors spend a huge amount of time on the PRP process.

We need to work collaboratively and not in isolation

PRP can lead to a more atomised way of working as people concentrate on meeting their individual targets to achieve pay progression. The end of PRP would enable a much more collective and collaborative approach to school improvement.

PRP undermines positive and supportive appraisal

Teachers are less likely to open up about an issue or seek support if they think it could be used as evidence to stop them going up the pay scale.

PRP discourages professional creativity and innovation

The inflexibility of performance management systems linked to pay progression discourage informed risk taking and experimentation which inhibits attempts to discover new - and potentially better - approaches to teaching and learning.

PRP can compound systemic inequalities

Studies conducted by the European Commission and the Equality and Human Rights Commission suggested that PRP contributes to unequal pay between men and women. If we want to close the gender pay gaps in our schools, then getting rid of PRP is a good place to start.What is Performance Related Pay?

Ending performance-related pay

A workload reduction taskforce has recommended that the requirement for maintained schools to adopt performance-related pay (PRP) be removed.

Pay bargaining calendar listing

Pay bargaining toolkit

This pay bargaining toolkit will provide you and your colleagues with the guidance and resources you need to take a pro-active approach to pay bargaining in your workplace.

Find out more
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