Seeking meaningful consultation on TPS model letter
If your employer is instigating formal consultation on leaving TPS, use this model letter to seeking meaningful consultation.

Protecting independent school teachers' pensions
We will support members opposing any proposal to remove teachers’ membership of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS).
Mr/Ms Z
Chair Governors
Y School Address
Dear X,
Meaningful staff consultation and the Teachers’ Pension Scheme [TPS]
Insert Date
I am writing to you on behalf of the members of the National Education Union [NEU] employed at Y school to express the expectation of the teaching staff as to meaningful consultation on proposals relating to the TPS.
First, we would like to record our strongly held view that continued membership of the TPS is critical to the long-term success of the school. It is a major part of a teacher’s remuneration. Not to offer it is likely to have consequences for retention and recruitment of quality teaching staff.
Such a critical decision should not be rushed. All necessary steps should be made to examine all options fully and exhaust alternatives, in meaningful consultation with staff.
Decisions should not be made prior to, nor during the staff consultation; options ruled out; nor preparations predetermining the outcome; nor duress applied inhibiting open and free discussion.
As the NEU is a recognised trade union, we expect the employer to negotiate with the NEU with the aim of reaching agreement. [Delete if NEU not recognised].
We believe that meaningful consultation should include:
- A clear rationale.
- An agreed process and timetable.
- Adequate time for staff to consider the proposals of not less than 90 days.
- Full details of proposed alternative provision.
- Provision of independent financial advice, so that the personal impact of the proposed change can be best assessed.
- Full disclosure of all relevant financial and other information, including school finances, to enable staff to ask pertinent questions, propose alternatives, and make informed decisions.
- Genuine consideration by the employer of proposed alternatives, at the end of the consultation period.
- A robust and independent staff representative body for this and future proposals on staff terms and conditions.
- NEU rep involvement.
Please can you share this letter with the full governing body, so that they are fully aware of the views of the teaching staff.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely