Pay model policy

The aim of this model policy on pay is to provide a framework that schools can adopt to ensure teachers are paid fairly and in line with the provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.

Model policy

Our model policies and policy checklists are designed to assist NEU reps in negotiating the best employment policies on behalf of our members.

Reps should strive to ensure policies are compliant with the NEU models.

Reps should consult members before agreeing new policies or changes to existing policies and should not agree policies that do not meet member expectations, any statutory requirements and NEU minimums.

Reps should always seek to work collaboratively with other unions. 

Policy checklists should be used in conjunction with our model policies and can be used as a guide for reps when communicating with members over whether a proposed policy is acceptable.

If a policy is unacceptable, members should consider a collective response that may include taking industrial action. For further advice contact your branch.

Model pay letter

A model letter you can use to raise pay implementation and any other pay issues with your head.

Appraisal model policy

The aim of this model policy on appraisal is to provide a supportive and developmental procedure designed to ensure that all teachers have the skills and support they need to carry out their role effectively.

Pay graphic


Advice on pay scales, pay progression and how to secure fair pay in your workplace.

Find out more

Pay policy checklist

The pay arrangements set out in the school teachers’ pay and conditions document (STPCD) are statutory for local authority schools and will also have been incorporated into contracts for teachers in most academies and free schools.

This checklist sets out the requirements of the STPCD, which must be included in school pay policies, as well as the requirements for an NEU compliant pay policy.

Pay structure

STPCD requirement

  • A teacher must be paid a salary within the minimum and maximum of the ranges set out in the STPCD.

NEU policy

  • The school’s pay structure will consist of either a six-point main pay range and a three-point upper pay range, or a merged nine-point pay scale for all qualified classroom teachers.

Pay determination

STPCD requirement

  • Teacher pay will be determined annually and teachers will be notified in writing of the salary determination by 31 October each year with effect from 1 September of that year.

NEU policy

  • Pay portability will apply to all new teachers and those returning to teaching service after a break.
  • Cost of living increases will be applied to all pay points and allowances and clearly differentiated from any pay increases due to pay progression.

Pay progression – main pay range

STPCD requirement

  • The school’s pay policy must set out how pay progression is determined whether this be automatic or linked to performance.
  • Pay progression must be considered annually.
  • If PRP is in operation, teachers must be awarded pay progression following a successful appraisal review.
  • A recommendation on pay progression must be made in writing.

NEU policy

  • Pay progression will be automatic for all staff within their pay range until they reach the top of their scale and awarded on an annual basis.
  • Early career teachers (ECTs) will be awarded pay progression on the successful completion of each year of their induction.
  • Funding issues will not be used as a criterion to refuse pay progression.

Moving from main to upper pay range (‘crossing the threshold’)

STPCD requirement

  • Qualified teachers can apply to be paid on the upper pay range at least once a year.
  • Threshold applications must be judged on the criteria in the STPCD.

NEU policy

  • Applications will be assessed according to the most recent appraisal review.

Pay progression on the upper pay range

STPCD requirement

  • Pay progression should be considered annually for teachers who have completed a year of employment since the previous annual pay review.

NEU policy

  • Progression on the upper pay range will be automatic and annual for all teachers.

Teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments

STPCD requirement

  • TLR payments should be awarded in accordance with the criteria and provisions set out in the STPCD.
  • A TLR payment may be awarded to a classroom teacher for undertaking a sustained additional responsibility.
  • The school pay policy should set out the level of TLR1 and TLR2 payments.

NEU policy

  • Teachers will not be expected to undertake permanent additional responsibilities without a permanent TLR1 or TLR2 payment.
  • There will be clear criteria for the award, level and duration of time-limited TLR3 payments.
  • TLR payments will be paid in full and not prorated for part-time teachers.

Special educational needs (SEN) allowances

STPCD requirement

  • SEN allowances should be awarded in accordance with the criteria and provisions set out in the STPCD.

NEU policy

  • Teachers with two or more years’ experience in a SEN role or similar will receive a higher SEN allowance equal to the maximum of the SEN range.

Acting allowances

STPCD requirement

  • Any teacher required to act as head teacher, deputy head or assistant head for a period exceeding four weeks may receive an additional allowance that is equal to that of the substantive post-holder.

NEU policy

  • Payments will be backdated to the day on which the teacher assumed those duties.
  • No pressure will be placed on teachers to act up voluntarily.

Part-time teachers

STPCD requirement

  • Part-time teachers’ pay and working time will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD and by comparison with the school’s timetabled teaching week for a full-time teacher in an equivalent post.

NEU policy

  • Any occasional additional hours worked by agreement will be paid at the same rate.

Supply teachers

STPCD requirement

  • Teachers employed on a day-to-day or other short notice basis must be paid in accordance with the provisions of the STPCD.

NEU policy

  • The school will commit to directly employing supply teachers and avoid the use of supply agencies.
  • Supply teachers employed for a full school day will be paid at a daily rate of 1/195th of the annual pay they would receive if engaged on a regular contract.

Salary safeguarding

STPCD requirement

  • The school’s policy should set out the circumstances in which, and for how long, salary safeguarding may take place (usually three years).

NEU policy

  • Salary safeguarding ‘additional duties’ should be clearly defined and under what circumstances a teacher with a safeguarded salary might be required to undertake them.


STPCD requirement

  • The school’s policy must set out the procedures that apply when any teacher seeks a review of any decision made by the head teacher or relevant body that affects their pay.

NEU policy

  • There will be a fair and transparent process for appeals, including an appeals committee, with reasonable notice for submission and hearings (at least 10 working days).
  • Teachers are entitled to be accompanied by a colleague or union rep at any formal appeal meeting and will be given advance notice of the time and location.


STPCD and NEU policy requirement

  • Teachers will not be denied pay progression for any pregnancy or maternity related issues or absence.
  • Teachers will not be denied pay progression for any disability or disability-related absence.

Monitoring and review of the policy

STPCD requirement

  • The pay policy should be reviewed annually and kept up to date to take account of any uplift to the national framework and any statutory changes.
  • Teachers and representatives of the recognised unions should always be consulted on formulating the policies and any changes to them.

NEU policy

  • The policy will commit to annual equality monitoring of its operation and the sharing of results with the recognised trade unions.
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