Appraisal policy checklist
This checklist is provided to help you assess whether your employer’s appraisal policy is compliant with the NEU position.
- Policy is applicable to all teachers at the school/trust/college, except for those on contracts of less than one term, Early Career Teachers (ECTs) undergoing induction, or teachers on capability procedures.
- The length of the appraisal period for teachers on fixed-term contracts of less than one year determined by the length of their contract.
NB: The head teacher/appraiser should determine the length of the first cycle for newly appointed teachers starting midway through a cycle, aiming to bring their cycle in line with that of other teachers as soon as possible.
Appointing appraisers
- All appraisers will be qualified teachers with current or recent teaching experience.
- The head teacher is responsible for choosing each teacher’s appraiser.
- Appraisees will have the opportunity to object to their appointed appraiser.
- There will be a maximum of three objectives per academic year.
- Objectives will be set at the start of each appraisal period.
- Objectives will be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART), and appropriate to the appraisee’s role and experience.
- Objectives will be mutually agreed between the appraiser and appraisee.
- Objectives will not include the use of raw numerical targets.
- Appraisers must take account of an individual teacher’s circumstances, including any disability, when agreeing objectives.
- The Teachers’ Standards (England) or the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership (Wales) will not be used as a ‘tick list’ against which the teacher’s performance is assessed.
NB: Appraisal should start from the premise that all teachers are meeting the Standards, unless clear, written evidence to the contrary is provided.
Observations & review meetings
- Total time occupied by all observations/classroom visits does not exceed three hours per year, with a maximum of three observations for all purposes.
- All appraisal activities will take place within a teacher’s directed time, excluding protected PPA time.
- Appraisees will receive a written appraisal report at the end of each appraisal period including the teacher’s objectives, an assessment of the teacher’s performance against these objectives and the relevant standards, an assessment of the teacher’s training and development needs, and a space for the teacher’s comments.
- Pay and appraisal will not be linked. Pay progression will be automatic across all pay ranges.
- Teachers making an application to move to the Upper Pay Range will have a progression recommendation in their appraisal report based on the criteria set out in the school’s pay policy.
Additional support
- Includes provision for resolving any concerns about a teacher’s performance informally.
NB: The NEU position is that informal support should take place during the appraisal rather than the capability process.
- Recognition that teachers may experience performance issues at work for a variety of reasons, including mitigating circumstances (e.g. menopause, bereavement, disability related issues etc.)
- Where additional support is required, a suitable action plan should be drawn up (e.g. coaching, in-class support, mentoring, visits to other classes/schools etc.) to help the teacher address the specific concerns.
NB: The NEU position is that the programme of support should be provided for up to 13 weeks (i.e. around a term in length), with the option of ending support early should performance improve sooner.
- Employees have the right to be accompanied to meetings with management by a trade union representative or work colleague during the period of additional support.
NB: An employee has the statutory right to be accompanied by a trade union representative or work colleague to formal meetings with their employer, however the NEU position is that this right should be extended to informal meetings.
Policy monitoring & review
- The policy will commit to annual equality monitoring of its operation and the sharing of results with the recognised trade unions.
- The policy will be reviewed regularly (e.g. biennially).
- Employees and representatives of recognised unions will always be consulted on any proposed changes to the policy.