Sudan conflict


The NEU joins Education International in condemning the ongoing conflict in Sudan and supports calls issued by the UN Secretary General for the violence to cease. NEU has written a letter to the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan, London.

Armed conflict erupted in Sudan on April 15 as rival generals from the Sudanese Army and a paramilitary group, who together led a military coup of the country in 2021, battled for power. Hundreds of people have already died and thousands have been injured.

The NEU condemns the ongoing conflict and supports calls issued by the UN Secretary General for the violence to cease. Without immediate de-escalation, this latest conflict will exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation – more children will go hungry, displacement will surge, and millions of families will be left on the edge of the abyss.

The NEU supports the calls by the UN, in addition to Sudanese civil society organisations, for all authorities in the country to negotiate and maintain a national ceasefire, to permit unhindered humanitarian aid operations, and to uphold international humanitarian law.

We stand in solidarity with Sudan’s educators, trade unions, and professional associations, and we call on the respective authorities in Sudan to restore peace to the country so that all Sudanese people can enjoy the human rights to which they are entitled.

NEU members should visit MENA Solidarity Network for urgent solidarity actions they can take.

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