"When we first went into lockdown our members raised the issues of a school closure check-in sheet.
“People were concerned that it was taking them some time to fill in and list activities and were worried it was being used to track whether they were doing enough at home.
“I raised it with the Oldham branch of the union and sought advice from our lead multi-academy trust (MAT) rep.
“I emailed all our members to collectivise the issue and reiterated NEU guidance and advice on working from home arrangements. We needed to ensure staff didn’t feel overwhelmed by tasks that were being set and tell them that they should get in touch if that was not the case.
“Members again raised the daily log-in sheet, citing that it felt untrusting. Working with our lead MAT rep, we approached the trust backed up by members. A supportive solution to the issue was agreed, a task list sheet was created where jobs were assigned at the start of the week and all we had to do was red, amber or green them at the end of each day.
“Our members were satisfied with this outcome – a result of workplace organising."