
NEU toolkits for members and reps.

Mother and baby

Maternity leave and pay

Maternity leave and pay for teachers and support staff– your rights, how to exercise them and how members and reps can work together to improve pay and working conditions for pregnant women and new mothers in schools and colleges.

Pregnant early years teacher

Being pregnant at work

The rights of pregnant teachers and support staff - to privacy and dignity at work, individual risk assessments, safe and fair working arrangements.

Breastfeeding woman

Breastfeeding women at work

How to help secure safety, privacy, dignity and equity for women who are breastfeeding on return to work from maternity leave.

NEU bargaining calendar graphic

Pay bargaining toolkit

Guidance and resources for pay bargaining in your workplace to ensure teachers and support staff are fairly paid.

Disability toolkit graphic

Disability equality toolkit

The tools will upskill and educate members, leaders and work colleagues on disability equality and building more inclusive schools and colleges.


Trauma-informed practice and approach

A toolkit with resources and information on understanding trauma’s impact, supporting affected students, and creating inclusive, safe environments in education settings.

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