Pay graphic


Information on teachers and support staff pay awards, pay scales and allowances, understanding pay progression, and rights to fair pay policies in various educational settings.

People in meeting - view of hands

Pay awards

Latest advice on teachers' pay in England and Wales

Find out more about pay awards and STRB
Pay day marked on calendar

Pay scales

Pay scales for teachers in various educational sectors across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, including part-time, sixth form colleges, and independent schools.

Person using laptop with credit card in hand

Pay calculator

Teacher's pay calculator for rates of pay for main pay range, upper pay range and leadership group salaries.

People in meeting - view of hands

Pay policy

The importance of fair pay policies in schools and the need for policies to align with STPCD. The NEU outlines the process for challenging unfair pay and the support available for securing equitable pay policies.

Person using laptop with credit card in hand

Pay progression

All pay progression including onto and on the Upper Pay Range should be automatic and annual.

Graphic of files saying quality teaching, planning, data, marking

Performance management

The NEU has produced a guidance, including model policies and checklists, to help you with performance management in your workplace, including appraisals and capability.

Pay bargaining calendar listing

Pay bargaining toolkit

This pay bargaining toolkit will provide you and your colleagues with the guidance and resources you need to take a pro-active approach to pay bargaining in your workplace.

Find out more

Pay advice for other sectors


Sign saying ♥ union recognition

Pay in the independent sector

As private businesses outside the national collective bargaining structure in the maintained sector, independent schools have greater freedom to set their own terms and conditions of employment.

Pay graphic

Pay in further education

Members in FE have seen their pay levels drift to a staggering £9k below that of schoolteachers and their counterparts in Sixth Form Colleges.

Fund fair pay - save our schools

Pay scales for support staff

Pay scales for support staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Most support staff are employed on the local government pay scales determined for local government services.

Educational psychologist

Soulbury officers

Advice on pay, conditions of service and other matters for Soulbury employees.

Music teacher with pupil

Unattached teachers

This guidance summarises the position in respect of pay and conditions for unattached teachers employed by local authorities in England and Wales.

Value education logo

Pay campaign

Our campaign for a fully funded, above-inflation pay rise for teachers and support staff, and effective action on pay for supply and other educators.

More details on NEU pay campaign
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