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Curriculum and assessment review

The government’s curriculum and assessment review has now closed its call for evidence.

NEU members have been submitting their views and adding to the growing chorus of voices for change.

The NEU has also submitted a whole union response, calling for a broader, more engaging and more flexible curriculum that gives students and teachers choice and agency over their education.

We told the review that assessment methods are not diverse enough to develop the breadth of skills required, nor to properly allow students to show what they can do – in many instances using just one mode, the formal written test. 

The NEU is calling for an assessment system that places less burden on students and educators and gives education staff the time to do what they do best - teach. 

Share your experience

Share how you feel funding pressures have impacted on the curriculum you can offer and how this is holding your students back and include as many examples as you can.

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Arts and Minds

Arts and Minds is a coalition of organisations calling for the restoration of all arts and creative subjects as a crucial part of the curriculum.

Primary curriculum survey

This survey of primary teachers suggests that English and maths is squeezing other subjects out of the curriculum.

The assessment system in England is unnecessarily high stakes. This means it does not support learning or progression and is not preparing students for the future.

The curriculum in our schools and colleges has been narrowed by underfunding and constrained by Government performance targets in ‘core’ subjects. Teachers are finding it more and more challenging to engage young people in their learning.

The curriculum is overloaded and not fit for the future. We need to see all of our students represented, empower schools to educate about issues such as climate change, and make sure that everyone is given a chance to succeed.

The review panel, and ultimately the government, has a generational opportunity to modernise curriculum and assessment in England and, in doing so, to improve the educational experience and life prospects for all young people

The review is still in its early stages, and the NEU will be keeping up the pressure on the review panel, and on the government, to prioritise education and ensure we have a broad, balanced curriculum and a supportive assessment system that supports this. Your evidence can help us to do this.

What is the Curriculum and Assessment Review? card Watch Professor Becky Francis CBE, on the Curriculum and Assessment Review

Watch Professor Becky Francis CBE, on the Curriculum and Assessment Review

Children in assessment


We need reform of our assessment and exams systems to make them fit for the future.

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