Welcome to the Islington District web pages

The National Education Union in Islington has over 1400 members in workplaces ranging from Nurseries to the Sixth Form College. The aim of this website is to provide Islington NEU members with quick and easy access to information on the issues facing them. However the officers of the Islington District recognise that this may not always be an adequate forum and should not be viewed as a substitute for direct representation by school reps, local officers or regional officials. Therefore if you have any queries or problems please do not hesitate to contact us. 




NEU member contact:

Pippa Dowswell

NEU member contact:

Terry Sullivan


Technology may help us to organise more effectively, but the success of any union depends on the active involvement of its members. To be a strong and healthy union we rely on members volunteering to get involved, in whatever way they can, and by so doing build the visibility and presence of the union in every school or workplace.


From simply putting up posters and distributing notices, to becoming an elected school representative, attending general meetings or becoming an officer or member of the Committee, there are a number of roles you can play in building Islington NEU. The more active members we have the more effective we will be in making a positive contribution to working life in schools. We are aware of the diversity of our members and our keen to develop a union district that reflects this. We are particularly keen to increase the involvement of Women, those from Black and Ethnic Minorities, LGBT+ and Young Teachers.


General members meetings are held half termly and are open to all Islington NEU members. These meetings often have guest speakers and are a forum for discussing those issues which are concerning members. It is at these meetings that union policy is formulated.  Agenda's are also emailed to members.


Islington NEU  is organised by local 'lay' officers who are elected annually and who are supported by a Committee of up to 6 members which meets approximately twice a term to which new members are very welcome.

Islington Local Authority Policies

Alongside National documents covering your terms and conditions such as The School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document, The Burgundy Book for Teachers and The Green Book for Support Staff the following local policies cover your conditions of service.

District and Branch Rules

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